Art House
The Art House Contemporary, Los Angeles presents the zine and gallery of artist and researcher Parinya Champ.
Cosmic Disclosure of the reality of extraterrestrial civilizations that have been interacting with groups within Earth's secret space program will soon become common knowledge for all humans on Earth. This is a time when powerful energetic energies entering our Solar System will be upgrading the DNA of every living thing in it. We are going through a revolutionary transformational upgrade in consciousness and we will gain limitless access to timeless, galactic knowledge. Art House Contemporary will work to educate as many people as possible during these times of ascension through our art and writing.
New artworks by Art House Contemporary continuously explore a visual and conceptual inquiry into contemporary art, metaphysics, and psychedelia.
Works often present themes within Contemporary Art Dialogue alongside new Quantum Physics alternative research and current state of Consciousness Sciences.
World Travel Gallery
The World Travel Gallery of Parinya Champ is a typological inquiry into the seen and unseen world of psychedelia found throughout spiritually significant locations of the world. It is a photo presentation of found places or situations that invoke understanding of higher dimensions in consciousness and reality. The gallery is presented in Journal format through VSCO.
A list of concurrent explorations in research:
5D Ascension
Full Disclosure Project (Cosmic Disclosure)
Consciousness Sciences
Source Field Research
Galactic Exopolitics
Free-Energy Technologies (Torsion/Vacuum/Zero-Point)
CE-5 ET Contact Initiative / ECETI
Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique (QHHT)
Psychonautics / Entheogens / Psychedelia
Astral Travellers Frequent Flyers
Tibetan Rainbow Body (Dzogchen)
Secret Space Program
Ancient Archaeology (Pyramids & Ley Lines)
Inner Earth Civilizations
Global Financial Currency Reset
Great Solar Flash
Our research is continuous and expansive. Art House Contemporary will be responsible for communicating findings through new visual work and written literature.
To the Furthest Reaches of Existence
“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.”
Art House came into existence to assist humankind into an unprecedented era of galactic membership among spacefaring and extra-dimensional races. Furthermore, exploring and understanding higher states of consciousness is our raison d'être.
Structure of the Vacuum — Crystal Lattice
Wat Phra Maha Chedi Chai Mongkol – Roi Et – Northern Thailand
Landscapes of the Hyperspace
May the results of our research and exploration resound throughout the cosmos.
The secret space programs may have well already constructed space colonies of this technological magnitude throughout our solar system and beyond.
Ruins from ancient civilizations are scattered throughout the Lunar surface. Here we see pyramidal structures casting long shadows aside.
Inner Earth Map
Tibetan Monk phasing into an image of Lotus during meditation
The Amplituhedron — The Roger Penrose Quasi-Crystal Tile. The most reductive building block in the universe.
“All space and time is the emanation of a simple geometric form.”
Hyperdimensional hexagon above North Pole of Saturn spans 5 Earth diameters across — an emanation of the vertices of an internal Star Tetrahedron.
“It is time for us to awaken from the unrealized dreams of materialism — and destroy the façade that has prevented clarity between spirit and science.”
The landscape of the sacred Himalayan mountains where Tibetan monks meditate in their process of transfiguration into Rainbow Body.
Cathedral Space, Parinya Champ, 2015