The Escapist
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Parinya Champ
You have now entered into The Cathedral—the most holiest of places you will ever travel.
It is the most beautiful thing you never even knew could exist.
The truth lies
not in more answers
but in less
The Prime Radiant
imagine there is only one particle in all of existence. and there is nothing else. just one particle. because there is nothing else to relate to, the particle has no mass and can move at infinite speed. it has no limitations, it has no barriers, there are no laws to govern it. because it's the only thing there is—so it can do anything it wants. so if it can travel, this one particle, at infinite speed, that's another way of saying that particle can be everywhere at the same time. so if a particle can be everywhere at the same time, it can appear to be multiple particles, but it's actually the same, one particle. and every 'thing' that is made up of particles, is actually made up of one particle, moving at infinite speed. so you actually are the other person's body, you actually are the chair, you actually are the lightbulb, you are the star, you are the other planet, because all those things are all made up of the same one particle that everything else is made out of. so everything is here, everything is now, everything is one. the more you ponder that, the more you wrap your mind around that, the more you will start to experience that in your reality.