Here are notes taken from his interviews on
Dark Fleet: A highly technologically advanced secret space program that has developed massive wedge and teardrop shaped craft which leave our solar system for offensive missions to conquer and control other star systems. These are high-rank humans that are from the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) and have broken away in a secret offensive. They are perhaps the most mysterious of all the secret space programs as no one really knows where they go on their missions to other parts of our galaxy. The Reptilians have pawned this group into working with them to conquer other planets. In turn, the humans receive high-technology and advanced weaponry.
Reptilians: Extraterrestrial group with malevolent intentions that worked along side the Nazi breakaway civilization beneath Antartica. The Reptilian group work with Dark Fleet. Reptilians have a base on the dark side of our moon as well as numerous bases throughout our solar system. Reptilians are known to be mostly service-to-self orientation. They do not have humanity's best interest in mind.
Nazi Breakaway Group: Created large habitable areas to live beneath the Antarctic ice. Developed secret anti-gravity craft and free-energy technologies while in hiding. Consisted of all the top engineers and scientists from Germany, the SS, and possibly internationally. Assisted by the Reptilians. From their base in Antartica, they have since traveled throughout our solar system, establishing bases on the Moon, Mars, Asteroid Belt, and a substantial number of other celestial bodies including moons of all the planets.
Nordic Beings: These are human, nordic-looking extraterrestrials that have been imbedded into many secret think tanks in the U.S. They are telepathic and hold positions of high-rank in the space program. Their mission is to guide humans to colonize space and obtain intelligence on the Reptilians.
Inner Earth: One of the most difficult things to learn from all this information is that our earth has been colonized and inhabited by hundreds, if not thousands of extraterrestrial races and civilizations longer than we have ever known. The earth is truly a honeycomb inside and is filled with large caverns that can range to hundreds of miles in width and height. Inner Earth civilizations choose to live underground isolated from the surface population. They have established large caverns all over our earth—these spaces are inhabited and contain cities that can easily sustain millions. Most inner earth beings are highly spiritually advanced and telepathic. They live outside of time and can travel to other parts of our solar system in their anti-gravitational-multidimensional-craft.
Slave Trade: The darkest aspect of secret space programs is the fact that human slave trade has occurred for decades. It is said that humans are a highly coveted item of trade throughout the cosmos between extraterrestrial groups that are not sided with higher spiritual knowledge or ability. Humans are used for harvesting their genetic makeup or DNA. Humans are used for developing high-technology, engineering, and design. The only thing we can do as a population about this problem is to teach others that it is occurring. The secret space program alliance is at an all time effort to bring an end to galactic slave trade and give earth the high-technology needed to clean, heal, and power our planet by ourselves.
Closing Statement: The most highly advanced extraterrestrial beings and groups all espouse a message of love and peace for mankind. This message is not always accepted by those in the secret space programs. This message is of a higher-vibrational state of consciousness that many practitioners of eastern philosophies and religions will understand and recognize. It is about being more service-to-others rather than service-to-selves. We must release all negative emotions and clear our body and mind of any impediments that will hinder our ascension to the next evolutionary state for humankind. All the extraterrestrial and inner earth beings are aware of the energetic transformation our solar system and sun are currently going through as we pass through the galactic elliptical plane. There is said to be a mysterious flash of light that will be released from our sun which will instantaneously evolve our spiritual consciousness and vibration to a higher level. This has been predicted by ancient civilizations and religions since recorded time. The Sphere Being Alliance is aware of this and are preparing us for this Event. We need to all meditate and focus our intention on positive outcomes during this most challenging and enlightening time of our lives. Everyone will be affected by this information and currently, no one has a clue that all this is going on. We must awaken each other from the sleep of our reality and come into awareness of the true multidimensional struggle of our species. Pass this information along to as many people as possible. Reaching critical mass is key to reversing the negative agendas of the secret space program and its compartmentalized auxiliary groups. We are being assisted by many extraterrestrial groups, but they all reinforce that is "us" that will be the ones to have to save ourselves.
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