
Antarctica Disclosure to Save the World—Freeman Fly interviews Dr. Michael Salla

Freeman explores a variety of related subject with Dr. Salla in this 1st. hr. of a 2 hr. interview on Antarctica, President Trump, Corey Good, William Tompkins, hybrid humans, and others.

This interview explores the reasons why high-profile public figures have visited Antarctica lately, including Senator John Kerry, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, and even the Pope. They have been shown ancient underground cities buried beneath miles of ice.

These cities were inhabited by an ancient civilization that migrated from Mars after a disaster with the Super Earth (Maldek). The inhabitants are known as the Pre-Adamites, ancient human lineages who have elongated skulls and were most likely telepathic or highly spiritually evolved. Inside these cities beneath the Antarctic surface, there are numerous ancient ruins that contain advanced extraterrestrial technologies. Some of these technologies are still operational such as anti-gravitic spacecraft.

Corey Goode confirms testimony of having seen these ancient ruins filled with ancient technology on his visit into these Antarctic bases with the aid of the Anshar. The excavated ruins are being shown to the high-profile visitors in preparation for a controlled global disclosure of these events.

In order for the narrative of this story not to be subjected to a dis-info campaign by the cabal, it is urged that this information be publicly shared as much as possible so we can control the timeline of the release of this information to the world. Full disclosure must come immediately and we will not allow the cabal to withhold this information over the course of several decades of slow release.

Confirmation of this story comes from Corey Goode, William Tompkins, and Benjamin Fulford. These researchers and whistleblowers may be found in the Library section.