The most updated teaser from the 2017 Conscious Life Expo where Corey Goode and David Wilcock discuss Cosmic Disclosure revealing the existence of a secret space program and the reality of extraterrestrial groups in contact with secret earth groups.
The most updated teaser from the 2017 Conscious Life Expo where Corey Goode and David Wilcock discuss Cosmic Disclosure revealing the existence of a secret space program and the reality of extraterrestrial groups in contact with secret earth groups.
From the Cosmic Disclosure series featuring Corey Goode and David Wilcock currently aired on GaiamTV. Corey has given us his personal story of the messages given to us by the Blue-Avian beings that are part of the fascinating Sphere Alliance.
It is of utmost importance that the Blue-Avians tell us earth humans not to take their message and spin it into any religions or cults. They have said their message has been given to humanity three times in the past, and each time the message has been distorted and made into something else that it was never meant to be.
The Blue-Avians bring a familiar message of compassion and love for all things. They deliver the basic tenants of every world religion, the golden rules, which tell us to forgive others more, love others more, and be more compassionate.
These are high-vibrational actions and together doing so will instantly increase the vibratory level of the mass consciousness of our co-created reality. We are like tuning forks that have never been rung. We are infinitely powerful beings and our DNA was made to sing and ring as it is now being upgraded by the high-energy super-wave particles ebbing and flowing through our solar system.
The Sphere Alliance has been in our solar system since the 80's. They've been monitoring the Earth during her time of ascension. Presently, they've placed their planet-sized Sphere Ships at key equidistant locations throughout the solar system acting as "resonance buffers" to the super-wave. These ships will absorb any spikes in energy flow so that living things on earth will not fry or overload. Their number of ships increased into the 1000's as of 2012 and on.
They are a higher density vibratory consciousness kind of being. They can change their location by using their consciousness, just by thinking it so.
This information corroborates with stories recorded from the work of Dolores Cannon. Her past-life regressed patients say that during these times, the Earth will be splitting into two timelines, the Old Earth, and the New Earth. During these times of energetic ascension, all living things will be ascending into the New Earth once a decision has been made to forgive others and all things that have hurt us and to be in a state of love and compassion. We must now release all the Karmic bonds that have stuck to us throughout all our past lives. This is how we can shift our vibration and consciousness into the New Earth. This is how we move into a new parallel timeline that is more in perfect harmony with our true self, our highest self, led by the higher mind.
The Blue-Avians describe our consciousness as having several levels, from the alert-problem-solving-state of the conscious mind, to the sub-conscious (or as I prefer to call it: The Super Conscious Mind), to the higher self, to the higher mind, to our oversoul, to the oversoul of oversouls, and eventually all the way back to Source, Hyperspace, Bardo, et al— These are the density realms of 5th, 6th, and beyond.
The most fascinating topic discussed was meditation. Corey said that meditation for at least 1-hour per day will be beneficial for our bodies and planet during these times. Prayer and meditation help raise our vibration and raise our consciousness as well as for the entire planet.
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Corey Goode is an intuitive-empath and has bravely given us his personal tour through the world of the Secret Space Program that has been operating under global secrecy. He was working in this program for twenty years.
Defectors from various secret space groups have designed an operation to bring about global disclosure on earth to expose the history of the secret space program. The various space groups have created a vast infrastructure of industrial complexes and colonies of human beings that work in a large industrial machine that is spread throughout our solar system. These installations produce exotic advanced technologies while some are scientific research facilities. There are facilities spread across Mars, inside hollowed out asteroids, on the back side of the moon, and just about anywhere they want to be. The Sphere Alliance, made of Blue-Avian beings, is a peaceful ancient race that has come into our solar system inside large Sphere Ships that can be larger than Jupiter. Their ships are stabilizing the new energies coming in that are creating an energetic consciousness ascension for the entire solar system—the Golden Era that has been prophesied by ancient religions for eons of time.
Corey has been contacted by higher-dimensional beings known as the Avians. They are telepathic, blue-to-indigo color, covered in feathers with no wings and no beak. They are able to exist in higher density dimensions.
Everything is made of vibration and energy. Beings are able to travel into these other vibrations due to their mastery of higher consciousness. We are now going to be experiencing these higher conscious abilities such as psychic ability, esp, telekinesis, levitation, etc. These abilities have already been achieved by recent Tibetian Monks who are practiced in the sacred and ancient ability of performing Rainbow Body.
The Avians know that all the religions on the world will come together to embrace the new era for mankind. They espouse the need for humans to love and forgive, the vibration to higher consciousness.
As a most fascinating thing discussed, Corey Goode and David Wilcock explain that life is located everywhere in our dimension. It is even floating out in sheer abundance in the vacuum-frigid-stillness of space.
Genetic manipulation of the human race has been going on for over 250k+ years by over 22 different highly-advanced alien groups. gives us this brilliant interview under the series titled: Cosmic Disclosure
Blue-Avian Beings — Extra-dimensional race inhabiting 6th to 9th density. They are the inhabitants living inside the gigantic Sphere Ships of the Sphere Alliance. They are helping in the move for global disclosure on Earth. (image source, android jones)
The only traps we have in our lives are the ones we set up for ourselves. —Ra Tear Eir, Blue-Avian Being
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